Green Lights April 14: Top stories this week
Don't miss a single story: The best from Callaway Climate Insights this week
. . . . Welcome to Green Lights, our weekly roundup of the best of Callaway Climate Insights. This week, we bring you the other side of the story: The looming water wars in the west aren’t just about who gets the riches of the Colorado River. It’s also a test of the leadership of California and its governor. Despite all the anti-ESG fuss, few investors appear to be directing more than a fraction of their portfolios to ESG strategies. But that could be good news for the markets. And while everyone’s counting hot-weather home runs, David Callaway spotlights what really counts. Here are the highlights in a simple and convenient format that makes it easy for our readers. It’s also easy to subscribe.
. . . . California’s game of legal chicken with other Western states over precious Colorado River water is finally on the clock, says David Callaway. The water wars are here, at least in the western U.S. Prices are rising and a new economic reality is forming over what we once thought was an endless commodity. . . .
. . . . Despite the war on ‘woke’ by conservatives targeting ESG investing at mutual fund firms, few investors appear to be directing more than a fraction of their portfolios to environmental, social and governance strategies, writes Mark Hulbert. What that means for climate-conscious investors leads to some surprising conclusions. . . .
. . . . When climate change is blamed for everything, does anything matter? David Callaway writes that climate change may turn out to be the ultimate asterisk in the baseball record books, but it won’t mean anything if it becomes too hot to play the games. . . .
. . . . Still think that the oil stock portfolio left to you by Grandpa is worth keeping? You might want to look at the EPA report that says Americans could to save up to $1.1 trillion on gasoline prices should the EPA’s plan to impose the toughest-ever auto emissions standards be adopted. . . .
. . . . California’s vast and ancient Tulare Lake is coming back from the dead. This “zombie lake” is shuffling toward surrounding a town and the state’s biggest prison. . . .
. . . . All dressed up and nowhere to go: Matthew Diebel explains why America’s electrical grid is actually a barrier to renewable energy. . . .
More greenery . . . .
Where the wild things are: Rewilding animals could be a key climate solution
From The Independent: Why lifestyles of the rich are driving city water shortages
From the Wall Street Journal: Who knew Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers were worried about climate change?
From the Weather Channel: Climate change and this week’s torrential rain and flash floods in Fort Lauderdale
Flight delay: Research shows migratory birds are coping with climate change by delaying their travel, but flying faster. It’s not a great solution.